Linear Progress
Linear Progress indicators, commonly known as loaders, express an unspecified wait time or display the length of a process.
Progress indicators inform users about the status of ongoing processes, such as loading an app, submitting a form, or saving updates.
The LinearProgress
is indeterminate by default, indicating an unspecified wait time.
To actually have it represent how long an operation will take, use the determinate mode.
The animations of the components rely on CSS as much as possible to work even before the JavaScript is loaded.
<LinearProgress />
After installation, you can start building with this component using the following basic elements:
<span class="token keyword">import</span> LinearProgress <span class="token keyword">from</span> <span class="token string">'@mui/joy/LinearProgress'</span><span class="token punctuation">;</span>
<span class="token keyword">export</span> <span class="token keyword">default</span> <span class="token keyword">function</span> <span class="token function">MyApp</span><span class="token punctuation">(</span><span class="token punctuation">)</span> <span class="token punctuation">{</span>
<span class="token keyword">return</span> <span class="token tag"><span class="token tag"><span class="token punctuation"><</span><span class="token class-name">LinearProgress</span></span> <span class="token punctuation">/></span></span><span class="token punctuation">;</span>
<span class="token punctuation">}</span>
The linear progress component supports the four global variants: solid
, soft
(default), outlined
, and plain
Every palette included in the theme is available via the color
Play around combining different colors.
The linear progress component comes with three sizes out of the box: sm
, md
(the default), and lg
CSS variables
Play around with all the CSS variables available on the component to see how the design changes.
You can use those to customize the component on both the sx
prop and the theme.
<LinearProgress />
CSS Variables