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Migration from v3 to v4

Yeah, v4 has been released!

Looking for the v3 docs? You can find the latest version here.


This is a reference for upgrading your site from Material UI v3 to v4. While there's a lot covered here, you probably won't need to do everything for your site. We'll do our best to keep things easy to follow, and as sequential as possible so you can quickly get rocking on v4!

Why you should migrate

This documentation page covers the how of migrating from v3 to v4. The why is covered in the release blog post on Medium.

Updating your dependencies

The very first thing you will need to do is to update your dependencies.

Update Material UI version

You need to update your package.json to use the latest version of Material UI.

<span class="token property">"dependencies"</span><span class="token operator">:</span> <span class="token punctuation">{</span>
  <span class="token property">"@material-ui/core"</span><span class="token operator">:</span> <span class="token string">"^4.0.0"</span>
<span class="token punctuation">}</span>

Or run

<span class="token function">npm</span> <span class="token function">install</span> @material-ui/core


<span class="token function">yarn</span> <span class="token function">add</span> @material-ui/core

Update React version

The minimum required version of React was increased from react@^16.3.0 to react@^16.8.0. This allows us to rely on Hooks (we no longer use the class API).

Update Material UI Styles version

If you were previously using @material-ui/styles with v3 you need to update your package.json to use the latest version of Material UI Styles.

<span class="token property">"dependencies"</span><span class="token operator">:</span> <span class="token punctuation">{</span>
  <span class="token property">"@material-ui/styles"</span><span class="token operator">:</span> <span class="token string">"^4.0.0"</span>
<span class="token punctuation">}</span>

Or run

<span class="token function">npm</span> <span class="token function">install</span> @material-ui/styles


<span class="token function">yarn</span> <span class="token function">add</span> @material-ui/styles

Handling breaking changes


  • Every component forward their ref. This is implemented by using React.forwardRef(). This affects the internal component tree and display name and therefore might break shallow or snapshot tests. innerRef will no longer return a ref to the instance (or nothing if the inner component is a function component) but a ref to its root component. The corresponding API docs list the root component.


  • ⚠️ Material UI depends on JSS v10. JSS v10 is not backward compatible with v9. Make sure JSS v9 is not installed in your environment. (Removing react-jss from your package.json can help). The StylesProvider component replaces the JssProvider one.

  • Remove the first option argument of withTheme(). (The first argument was a placeholder for a potential future option that never arose.)

    It matches the emotion API and the styled-components API.

    <span class="token deleted-sign deleted"><span class="token prefix deleted">-</span><span class="token line">const DeepChild = withTheme()(DeepChildRaw);
    </span></span><span class="token inserted-sign inserted"><span class="token prefix inserted">+</span><span class="token line">const DeepChild = withTheme(DeepChildRaw);</span></span>
  • Rename convertHexToRGB to hexToRgb.

    <span class="token deleted-sign deleted"><span class="token prefix deleted">-</span><span class="token line">import { convertHexToRgb } from '@material-ui/core/styles/colorManipulator';
    </span></span><span class="token inserted-sign inserted"><span class="token prefix inserted">+</span><span class="token line">import { hexToRgb } from '@material-ui/core/styles';</span></span>
  • Scope the keyframes API. You should apply the following changes in your codebase. It helps isolating the animation logic:

    <span class="token unchanged"><span class="token prefix unchanged"> </span><span class="token line"> rippleVisible: {
    </span><span class="token prefix unchanged"> </span><span class="token line">   opacity: 0.3,
    </span></span><span class="token deleted-sign deleted"><span class="token prefix deleted">-</span><span class="token line">   animation: 'mui-ripple-enter 100ms cubic-bezier(0.4, 0, 0.2, 1)',
    </span></span><span class="token inserted-sign inserted"><span class="token prefix inserted">+</span><span class="token line">   animation: '$mui-ripple-enter 100ms cubic-bezier(0.4, 0, 0.2, 1)',
    </span></span><span class="token unchanged"><span class="token prefix unchanged"> </span><span class="token line"> },
    </span><span class="token prefix unchanged"> </span><span class="token line"> '@keyframes mui-ripple-enter': {
    </span><span class="token prefix unchanged"> </span><span class="token line">   '0%': {
    </span><span class="token prefix unchanged"> </span><span class="token line">     opacity: 0.1,
    </span><span class="token prefix unchanged"> </span><span class="token line">   },
    </span><span class="token prefix unchanged"> </span><span class="token line">   '100%': {
    </span><span class="token prefix unchanged"> </span><span class="token line">     opacity: 0.3,
    </span><span class="token prefix unchanged"> </span><span class="token line">   },
    </span><span class="token prefix unchanged"> </span><span class="token line"> },</span></span>


  • The theme.palette.augmentColor() method no longer performs a side effect on its input color. To use it correctly, you have to use the returned value.

    <span class="token deleted-sign deleted"><span class="token prefix deleted">-</span><span class="token line">const background = { main: color };
    </span><span class="token prefix deleted">-</span><span class="token line">theme.palette.augmentColor(background);
    </span></span><span class="token inserted-sign inserted"><span class="token prefix inserted">+</span><span class="token line">const background = theme.palette.augmentColor({ main: color });
    <span class="token unchanged"><span class="token prefix unchanged"> </span><span class="token line">console.log({ background });</span></span>
  • You can safely remove the next variant from the theme creation:

    <span class="token unchanged"><span class="token prefix unchanged"> </span><span class="token line">typography: {
    </span></span><span class="token deleted-sign deleted"><span class="token prefix deleted">-</span><span class="token line">  useNextVariants: true,
    </span></span><span class="token unchanged"><span class="token prefix unchanged"> </span><span class="token line">},</span></span>
  • theme.spacing.unit usage is deprecated, you can use the new API:

    <span class="token unchanged"><span class="token prefix unchanged"> </span><span class="token line">label: {
    </span><span class="token prefix unchanged"> </span><span class="token line">  [theme.breakpoints.up('sm')]: {
    </span></span><span class="token deleted-sign deleted"><span class="token prefix deleted">-</span><span class="token line">    paddingTop: theme.spacing.unit * 12,
    </span></span><span class="token inserted-sign inserted"><span class="token prefix inserted">+</span><span class="token line">    paddingTop: theme.spacing(12),
    </span></span><span class="token unchanged"><span class="token prefix unchanged"> </span><span class="token line">  },
    </span><span class="token prefix unchanged"> </span><span class="token line">}</span></span>

    Tip: you can provide more than 1 argument: theme.spacing(1, 2) // = '8px 16px'.

    You can use the migration helper on your project to make this smoother.


  • [Grid] In order to support arbitrary spacing values and to remove the need to mentally count by 8, we are changing the spacing API:

    <span class="token unchanged"><span class="token prefix unchanged"> </span><span class="token line"> /**
    </span><span class="token prefix unchanged"> </span><span class="token line">  * Defines the space between the type `item` component.
    </span><span class="token prefix unchanged"> </span><span class="token line">  * It can only be used on a type `container` component.
    </span><span class="token prefix unchanged"> </span><span class="token line">  */
    </span></span><span class="token deleted-sign deleted"><span class="token prefix deleted">-</span><span class="token line">  spacing: PropTypes.oneOf([0, 8, 16, 24, 32, 40]),
    </span></span><span class="token inserted-sign inserted"><span class="token prefix inserted">+</span><span class="token line">  spacing: PropTypes.oneOf([0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10]),</span></span>

    Going forward, you can use the theme to implement a custom Grid spacing transformation function.

  • [Container] Moved from @material-ui/lab to @material-ui/core.

    <span class="token deleted-sign deleted"><span class="token prefix deleted">-</span><span class="token line">import Container from '@material-ui/lab/Container';
    </span></span><span class="token inserted-sign inserted"><span class="token prefix inserted">+</span><span class="token line">import Container from '@material-ui/core/Container';</span></span>


value type

Normalized value prop type for input components to use unknown. This affects InputBase, NativeSelect, OutlinedInput, Radio, RadioGroup, Select, SelectInput, Switch, TextArea, and TextField.

<span class="token unchanged"><span class="token prefix unchanged"> </span><span class="token line">function MySelect({ children }) {
</span></span><span class="token deleted-sign deleted"><span class="token prefix deleted">-</span><span class="token line">  const handleChange = (event: any, value: string) => {
</span></span><span class="token inserted-sign inserted"><span class="token prefix inserted">+</span><span class="token line">  const handleChange = (event: any, value: unknown) => {
</span></span><span class="token unchanged"><span class="token prefix unchanged"> </span><span class="token line">    // handle value
</span><span class="token prefix unchanged"> </span><span class="token line">  };
<span class="token unchanged"><span class="token prefix unchanged"> </span><span class="token line">  return &lt;Select onChange={handleChange}>{children}&lt;/Select>
</span><span class="token prefix unchanged"> </span><span class="token line">}</span></span>

This change is explained in more detail in the TypeScript guide


  • [Button] Remove the deprecated button variants (flat, raised and fab):

    <span class="token deleted-sign deleted"><span class="token prefix deleted">-</span><span class="token line">&lt;Button variant="raised" />
    </span></span><span class="token inserted-sign inserted"><span class="token prefix inserted">+</span><span class="token line">&lt;Button variant="contained" /></span></span>
    <span class="token deleted-sign deleted"><span class="token prefix deleted">-</span><span class="token line">&lt;Button variant="flat" />
    </span></span><span class="token inserted-sign inserted"><span class="token prefix inserted">+</span><span class="token line">&lt;Button variant="text" /></span></span>
    <span class="token deleted-sign deleted"><span class="token prefix deleted">-</span><span class="token line">import Button from '@material-ui/core/Button';
    </span><span class="token prefix deleted">-</span><span class="token line">&lt;Button variant="fab" />
    </span></span><span class="token inserted-sign inserted"><span class="token prefix inserted">+</span><span class="token line">import Fab from '@material-ui/core/Fab';
    </span><span class="token prefix inserted">+</span><span class="token line">&lt;Fab /></span></span>
    <span class="token deleted-sign deleted"><span class="token prefix deleted">-</span><span class="token line">import Button from '@material-ui/core/Button';
    </span><span class="token prefix deleted">-</span><span class="token line">&lt;Button variant="extendedFab" />
    </span></span><span class="token inserted-sign inserted"><span class="token prefix inserted">+</span><span class="token line">import Fab from '@material-ui/core/Fab';
    </span><span class="token prefix inserted">+</span><span class="token line">&lt;Fab variant="extended" /></span></span>
  • [ButtonBase] The component passed to the component prop needs to be able to hold a ref. The composition guide explains the migration strategy.

    This also applies to BottomNavigationAction, Button, CardActionArea, Checkbox, ExpansionPanelSummary, Fab, IconButton, MenuItem, Radio, StepButton, Tab, TableSortLabel as well as ListItem if the button prop is true.


  • [CardActions] Rename the disableActionSpacing prop to disableSpacing.
  • [CardActions] Remove the disableActionSpacing CSS class.
  • [CardActions] Rename the action CSS class to spacing.


  • [ClickAwayListener] Hide react-event-listener props.


  • [DialogActions] Rename the disableActionSpacing prop to disableSpacing.
  • [DialogActions] Rename the action CSS class to spacing.
  • [DialogContentText] Use typography variant body1 instead of subtitle1.
  • [Dialog] The child needs to be able to hold a ref. The composition guide explains the migration strategy.


  • [Divider] Remove the deprecated inset prop.

    <span class="token deleted-sign deleted"><span class="token prefix deleted">-</span><span class="token line">&lt;Divider inset />
    </span></span><span class="token inserted-sign inserted"><span class="token prefix inserted">+</span><span class="token line">&lt;Divider variant="inset" /></span></span>


  • [ExpansionPanelActions] Rename the action CSS class to spacing.
  • [ExpansionPanel] Increase the CSS specificity of the disabled and expanded style rules.
  • [ExpansionPanel] Rename the CollapseProps prop to TransitionProps.


  • [List] Rework the list components to match the specification:

    • The ListItemAvatar component is required when using an avatar.
    • The ListItemIcon component is required when using a left checkbox.
    • The edge property should be set on the icon buttons.
  • [List] dense no longer reduces the top and bottom padding of the List element.

  • [ListItem] Increase the CSS specificity of the disabled and focusVisible style rules.

  • [MenuItem] Remove the fixed height of the MenuItem. The padding and line-height are used by the browser to compute the height.
  • [Modal] The child needs to be able to hold a ref. The composition guide explains the migration strategy.

    This also applies to Dialog and Popover.

  • [Modal] Remove the classes customization API for the Modal component (-74% bundle size reduction when used standalone).

  • [Modal] event.defaultPrevented is now ignored. The new logic closes the Modal even if event.preventDefault() is called on the key down escape event. event.preventDefault() is meant to stop default behaviors like clicking a checkbox to check it, hitting a button to submit a form, and hitting left arrow to move the cursor in a text input etc. Only special HTML elements have these default behaviors. You should use event.stopPropagation() if you don't want to trigger an onClose event on the modal.


  • [Paper] Reduce the default elevation. Change the default Paper elevation to match the Card and the Expansion Panel:

    <span class="token deleted-sign deleted"><span class="token prefix deleted">-</span><span class="token line">&lt;Paper />
    </span></span><span class="token inserted-sign inserted"><span class="token prefix inserted">+</span><span class="token line">&lt;Paper elevation={2} /></span></span>

    This affects the ExpansionPanel as well.


  • [Portal] The child needs to be able to hold a ref when disablePortal is used. The composition guide explains the migration strategy.


  • [Slide] The child needs to be able to hold a ref. The composition guide explains the migration strategy.


  • [Slider] Move from @material-ui/lab to @material-ui/core.

    <span class="token deleted-sign deleted"><span class="token prefix deleted">-</span><span class="token line">import Slider from '@material-ui/lab/Slider'
    </span></span><span class="token inserted-sign inserted"><span class="token prefix inserted">+</span><span class="token line">import Slider from '@material-ui/core/Slider'</span></span>


  • [Switch] Refactor the implementation to make it easier to override the styles. Rename the class names to match the specification wording:

    <span class="token deleted-sign deleted"><span class="token prefix deleted">-</span><span class="token line">icon
    </span><span class="token prefix deleted">-</span><span class="token line">bar
    </span></span><span class="token inserted-sign inserted"><span class="token prefix inserted">+</span><span class="token line">thumb
    </span><span class="token prefix inserted">+</span><span class="token line">track</span></span>


  • [Snackbar] Match the new specification.

    • Change the dimensions
    • Change the default transition from Slide to Grow.


  • [SvgIcon] Rename nativeColor -> htmlColor. React solved the same problem with the for HTML attribute, they have decided to call the prop htmlFor. This change follows the same reasoning.

    <span class="token deleted-sign deleted"><span class="token prefix deleted">-</span><span class="token line">&lt;AddIcon nativeColor="#fff" />
    </span></span><span class="token inserted-sign inserted"><span class="token prefix inserted">+</span><span class="token line">&lt;AddIcon htmlColor="#fff" /></span></span>


  • [Tab] Remove the labelContainer, label and labelWrapped class keys for simplicity. This has allowed us to remove 2 intermediary DOM elements. You should be able to move the custom styles to the root class key.

    A simpler tab item DOM structure

  • [Tabs] Remove deprecated fullWidth and scrollable props:

    <span class="token deleted-sign deleted"><span class="token prefix deleted">-</span><span class="token line">&lt;Tabs fullWidth scrollable />
    </span></span><span class="token inserted-sign inserted"><span class="token prefix inserted">+</span><span class="token line">&lt;Tabs variant="scrollable" /></span></span>


  • [TableCell] Remove the deprecated numeric property:

    <span class="token deleted-sign deleted"><span class="token prefix deleted">-</span><span class="token line">&lt;TableCell numeric>{row.calories}&lt;/TableCell>
    </span></span><span class="token inserted-sign inserted"><span class="token prefix inserted">+</span><span class="token line">&lt;TableCell align="right">{row.calories}&lt;/TableCell></span></span>
  • [TableRow] Remove the fixed height CSS property. The cell height is computed by the browser using the padding and line-height.

  • [TableCell] Move the dense mode to a different property:

    <span class="token deleted-sign deleted"><span class="token prefix deleted">-</span><span class="token line">&lt;TableCell padding="dense" />
    </span></span><span class="token inserted-sign inserted"><span class="token prefix inserted">+</span><span class="token line">&lt;TableCell size="small" /></span></span>
  • [TablePagination] The component no longer tries to fix invalid (page, count, rowsPerPage) property combinations. It raises a warning instead.


  • [InputLabel] You should be able to override all the styles of the FormLabel component using the CSS API of the InputLabel component. The FormLabelClasses property has been removed.

    <span class="token unchanged"><span class="token prefix unchanged"> </span><span class="token line">&lt;InputLabel
    </span></span><span class="token deleted-sign deleted"><span class="token prefix deleted">-</span><span class="token line">  FormLabelClasses={{ asterisk: 'bar' }}
    </span></span><span class="token inserted-sign inserted"><span class="token prefix inserted">+</span><span class="token line">  classes={{ asterisk: 'bar' }}
    </span></span><span class="token unchanged"><span class="token prefix unchanged"> </span><span class="token line">>
    </span><span class="token prefix unchanged"> </span><span class="token line">  Foo
    </span><span class="token prefix unchanged"> </span><span class="token line">&lt;/InputLabel></span></span>
  • [InputBase] Change the default box sizing model. It uses the following CSS now:

    <span class="token property">box-sizing</span><span class="token punctuation">:</span> border-box<span class="token punctuation">;</span>

    This solves issues with the fullWidth prop.

  • [InputBase] Remove the inputType class from InputBase.


  • [Tooltip] The child needs to be able to hold a ref. The composition guide explains the migration strategy.
  • [Tooltip] Appears only after focus-visible focus instead of any focus.


  • [Typography] Remove the deprecated typography variants. You can upgrade by performing the following replacements:

    • display4 => h1
    • display3 => h2
    • display2 => h3
    • display1 => h4
    • headline => h5
    • title => h6
    • subheading => subtitle1
    • body2 => body1
    • body1 (default) => body2 (default)
  • [Typography] Remove the opinionated display: block default typography style. You can use the new display?: 'initial' | 'inline' | 'block'; property.

  • [Typography] Rename the headlineMapping property to variantMapping to better align with its purpose.

    <span class="token deleted-sign deleted"><span class="token prefix deleted">-</span><span class="token line">&lt;Typography headlineMapping={headlineMapping}>
    </span></span><span class="token inserted-sign inserted"><span class="token prefix inserted">+</span><span class="token line">&lt;Typography variantMapping={variantMapping}></span></span>
  • [Typography] Change the default variant from body2 to body1. A font size of 16px is a better default than 14px. Bootstrap,, and even the documentation use 16px as a default font size. 14px like Ant Design uses is understandable, as Chinese users have a different alphabet. 12px is recommended as the default font size for Japanese.

  • [Typography] Remove the default color from the typography variants. The color should inherit most of the time. It's the default behavior of the web.

  • [Typography] Rename color="default" to color="initial" following the logic of this thread. The usage of default should be avoided, it lacks semantic.



  • This change eases the use of Material UI with a CDN:

    <span class="token unchanged"><span class="token prefix unchanged"> </span><span class="token line">const {
    </span><span class="token prefix unchanged"> </span><span class="token line">  Button,
    </span><span class="token prefix unchanged"> </span><span class="token line">  TextField,
    </span></span><span class="token deleted-sign deleted"><span class="token prefix deleted">-</span><span class="token line">} = window['material-ui'];
    </span></span><span class="token inserted-sign inserted"><span class="token prefix inserted">+</span><span class="token line">} = MaterialUI;</span></span>

    It's consistent with other React projects:

    • material-ui => MaterialUI
    • react-dom => ReactDOM
    • prop-types => PropTypes